Two Portland foodservice industry members receive awards at IFPA’s Foodservice Conference in Monterey
Onion Business - August 25, 2022
Two Portland foodservice industry members, both nominated by Portland’s Pacific Coast Fruit, were winners of 2022 awards presented at the July 28-29 International Fresh Produce Association Conference in Monterey.
The two winners are Whitney Ellersick, Portland Public School’s Sr. Dir. of Nutrition Service, and Crisp Salad founder Emma Dye (shown in the featured image).
Whitney was the winner of the International Fresh Produce Association (IPFA) Excellence in Foodservice Award in the K-12 School Foodservice category, and Emma took home the award in Excellence in Foodservice Award for Quick Service Restaurant.
Ellersick and Dye, along with six other award winners, were honored by IFPA program that recognizes chefs and foodservice operations for their produce innovation, creativity and all-around excellence in the use of fresh produce in the culinary arts.